Protection of personal Privacy

Privacy policies (article 13, Decree-law 196/2003) for processing personal datas of the web users

Dear Lady or Gentleman,
we inform you that the decree-law n. 196 of the 30th of june 2003 (for personal data processing) considers the protection of the persons and subjects for personal data processing. According to this law, the personal datas of the users will be processed with honesty and transparency to assure the protection and privacy of their rights.
In accordance with the article 13 of the decree-law n.196/2003, we give you the following information:

  1. The provided datas will be used for the following purposes: calculate an estimate and sending the offer; sending advertising material, newsletters, wishes, marketing material,….
  2. While carrying out its professional duty, the society Proloco of Perticara running the Sulphur Museum can obtain “identification” datas described in the decree-law 196/03.
  3. The processing will follow the following principles: automatic systems of memorization, processing and transmission of the datas, which modalities are associated to the same purposes, on the basis of the datas we collect and with our and your commitment in communicating us immediately the possible corrections, revisions or updates.
  4. Your datas could be spread on the network only within the web site and communicated only in for the above mentioned purposes.
  5. The personal datas collected during the registration could be processed by individuals in charge of personal datas and the demanded services and marketing activities.
  6. The discretionary, explicit and voluntary transmission of emails to the addresses indicated in this site, entails the consequent memorization of the email address of the user, necessary for the answer to the requests, and the other personal datas included in the email. The data inserting is
    • necessary, as regards the datas identified as “mandatory fields” and the refusal of providing those datas will cause the non-execution of the registration/demand, as these datas have a fundamental value of identification in the provided services.
    • discretionary, as regards the datas identified as “optional fields”; the omission of these datas will not prevent the service to be provided.
  7. The responsible of the data processing is Proloco of Perticara.
  8. In every moment you can apply your rights to the responsible of processing, in accordance with the article 7 of the decree-law 196/2003, sending a request to

We report entirely the article 7 of the decree-law 196/2003, for your use:
Article 7 (Right of processing personal datas and other rights)

  1. The individual has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence of its personal datas even if they have not been registered yet, and their communication in comprehensible form.
  2. The individual has the right to obtain informations about:
    • the origin of the personal datas;
    • the purposes and the modalities of the data processing;
    • the logic applied in case of data processing throughout electronic devices;
    • the identification datas of the person, of the responsible and the representative designated in accordance with the article 5, clause 2;
    • the individuals or the categories of individuals to which the datas can be transmitted and that obtain them, as designated representatives in the territory of the state, responsible or individuals in charge.
  3. The individual has the right to obtain:
    1. the update, modification or integration, whenever he wants;
    2. anonymously, the cancellation, transformation or the interruption of the processing datas if the law has been violated, even when the conservation for purposes for which the datas have been collected or processed is not necessary;
    3. the guarantee that the operations mentioned in the points a) and b) have been informed, also as regards their content, about the third party that have received or spread them, except if this guarantee is impossible or involves the use of others instruments disproportioned to the right.
  4. The individual has the right to oppose, completely or partially:
    1. for causes concerning the processing of personal datas which involve the individual, if the causes are relevant to the collecting purpose;
    2. to the data processing, if it is aimed at dispatching advertising materials, direct sale, market researches or commercial communication.
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